Welcome & introductions, Richard Betts, Head of Content, Real Asset Media
Presentation: GARBE PYRAMID MAP: Market figures for mid-2024 and five-year outlook for the top European markets, Tobias Kassner, Head of Research, Member of the Executive Board, GARBE Industrial Real Estate
Presentation: Building on Strong Fundamentals: Investment Insights on the Dutch Logistics Market, Maurits Smit, Managing Director Netherlands, GARBE Industrial Real Estate Netherlands B.V.
Presentation: Investment market and demand for space: How the macroeconomic environment is developing, Oliver Rakau, Chief German Economist, Deputy Head Europe, Oxford Economics
Panel discussion and Q&A
Event Ends
On behalf of GARBE Industrial Real Estate, Real Asset Media would like to invite you to attend the live online event with latest research data followed by an expert panel. Attendance is free of charge, simply register now to receive your access link to the livestream.
The geopolitical and economic challenges of recent years have had a significant impact on the European property market. The logistics asset class has proven to be one of the most attractive for investors, even after the boom fuelled by the pandemic.
Despite the complex conditions, the logistics property market is in good shape. Demand for space has fallen slightly but remains at pre-pandemic levels. Vacancy rates are rising only slightly from historically low levels, partly because fewer new developments are being completed. After significant increases, prime rents in all European submarkets are expected to moderate or stabilise in the first half of 2024.
Inflation in the eurozone has stabilised at around 2.5% in recent months. However, current forecasts point to a declining path. The ECB decided to cut interest rates for the first time at the Governing Council meeting in early June. Given the different conditions, the ECB has taken the lead, while the US Federal Reserve is still waiting to take such a step.
Finally, since last October there has been much discussion about whether and when the turnaround in interest rates will come. In any case, long-term swap rates have already partially priced in possible movements. It therefore makes more sense to act in the here and now.
In some countries, logistics properties have overtaken the office asset class in terms of investment volume, and in some cases are achieving lower yields. Yields in most European logistics regions were stable in the first half of the year. Most appear to have bottomed out. The generally good key figures for the logistics property market are opening up interesting opportunities.
The latest GARBE PYRAMID MAP for mid-2024 provides an overview of prime rents and yields for the 116 most important European submarkets for logistics properties in 24 countries. This comprehensive research summary from GARBE Research offers invaluable insight into the current state of the market. To provide further insight into future developments, the webinar will also present forecast data for the top European markets with an outlook for the next five years, for the first time in addition to the current figures.
We would like to discuss the following questions with you in the live online event:
- Where are rents and yields for logistics properties in Europe?
- In which direction are they developing?
- Which locations and sites are in demand in Germany, the Netherlands and Europe?
- Where are investment opportunities opening up?
- How will the macroeconomic environment and thus demand develop over the next few years? Where are the opportunities and risks?
European Logistics Real Estate Markets: Is now the right time to invest?
Date: Tuesday, 10 September 2024
Time: 15:00 – 16:15 CET
Place: live online
Register now free of charge to guarantee your place for this valuable online event.